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How to not fast failing a test

General idea

By default, all tests fail at the first error. It is a normal and perfectly adapted behavior of the majority of unit test. In some case, it is required to not fail at the first assertion error, but to continue the execution and produce an handful report at the end of the test. Of course, it will be the responsibility of the developer to wrote a test that is safe to continue even in case of failure.

PowerUnit provides a out of the box support (starting version 0.4.0), to do so. Only expected failure (assertion on fail usage) are supported ; Unexpected error will still fail the build immediately. The annotation @Test support an attribute fastFail which is true by default ; When this attribute is set to false then all assertions (assertThatXXX, assertWhen and fail) will not stop the test, but only return false. Then, at the end of the test (but before the rule execution), all failures will be merged in one single failure, describing all the failure.


public class LaterFailureTest implements TestSuite {
 @Test(fastFail = false)
 public void test() {
  assertWhen((p) -> {}).throwException(any(Throwable.class));

This test will provide a result like

Multiple failures : 
        Error : expecting <false> but was <true>
        Error : An exception was expected, but none was thrown
        Error : demo

Original Stack Traces
        expecting <false> but was <true>
        An exception was expected, but none was thrown
ch.powerunit.impl.DefaultPowerUnitRunnerImpl$$Lambda$38/ Source)
ch.powerunit.impl.DefaultPowerUnitRunnerImpl$$Lambda$42/520022247.accept(Unknown Source)

When to use this feature

As a general best practice when implementing test based on xUnit pattern, tests should focus on only one single validation ; Matchers provide easy way to express a complex condition in a clear way in one single assertion in a lot of case. In case it is to complex to wrote this matcher and it make sense to to the validation at once, this not fast fail approach may be adapted.

In some cases, for example when writing end to end testing of test integration a lot of system under test (which is not a good unit testing, but it a complement to them), it may be interesting to gather at much as possible results before failures. For example would be for instance a end to end test of a provisioning flow. In this case, as the complete flow is under test, all expecting results must be validate in one single test. In this case, it would be better to evaluate all the expected results, and then provide a report at the end as to test each results and fail at the first (because the result will only say that result X was not good, but the status of others expectation will be unknown, leading to rerunning test several time before having him right).