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Powerunit - Java Testing framework for JDK 1.8 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT API

This is the PowerUnit Framework : A test framework for Java 8+.

See: Description

Package Description
Main functionnalities of powerunit.
Tester for bifunction.
Language package for bifunction tester.
Tester for Collector.
DSL support for tester of Collector.
This package contains support to test Comparator.
Language side for Comparator tester.
Contains all the exception.
Support for test framework of function.
Language package for function tester.
Helpers capabilities
Exposed MBean by the PowerUnitMainRunner.
Support for Pattern tester.
This is the DSL for Pattern tester.
Default implementation or abstract for rule.
Surefire integration
This is the PowerUnit Framework : A test framework for Java 8+.

Concepts Annotations processor Surefire integration About Hamcrest integration Test framework creation


This framework provides a test framework for Java, based on the JDK 1.8. The idea are similar to the idea of the others test framework. First of all here are two simple examples.


The Hello world test example
import ch.powerunit.Test;
import ch.powerunit.TestSuite;

public class HelloWorldTest implements TestSuite {
  public void testHelloWorld1() {
    assertThat("Hello world").is(containsString(" "));
Several elements are interesting here :
The Hello world with parameter test example
import java.util.Arrays;

import ch.powerunit.Parameter;
import ch.powerunit.Parameters;
import ch.powerunit.Test;
import ch.powerunit.TestSuite;

public class HelloWorldParameterTest implements TestSuite {
  @Parameters("Input string is %1$s, subString idx is %2$s, expected result is %3$s")
  public static Stream<Object[]> getDatas() {
    return Object[][] { { "ab", 0, "ab" }, { "ab", 1, "b" } });

  public String inputString;

  public int inputIndex;

  public String expectedString;

  public void testSubString() {
The interesting elements here are :

Tests action sequences order

Each test class is executed in isolation. The first action to be done is the instantiation of the class itself. Then the test execution can be :
  1. If the test use the @Parameters approach, the annotated method will be used to produce a list of input data. Each line of data will trigger the next step (injection at each run of the data into the field annotated @Parameter); If the @Parameters approach is not used, only one execution of the tests will be done.
  2. For each method annotated @Test, an execution will be done. This execution will be based on the passed @Rule, from the upper class to the lower class.
To demonstrate this sequence of action, here is an example of all theses concepts. Let's assume we have the two following classes :
import ch.powerunit.Rule;
import ch.powerunit.TestRule;
import ch.powerunit.TestSuite;
import ch.powerunit.rules.TestContextRule;

public abstract class ParentTest implements TestSuite {
  protected final TestContextRule context = new TestContextRule<>();

  public final TestRule level1 = context.around(before(this::prepare1).around(after(this::clean1)));

  public final void prepare1() {
    System.out.println(context.getTestContext().getFullTestName() + ":prepare1");

  public final void clean1() {
    System.out.println(context.getTestContext().getFullTestName() + ":clean1");

import java.util.Arrays;

import ch.powerunit.Parameter;
import ch.powerunit.Parameters;
import ch.powerunit.Rule;
import ch.powerunit.Test;
import ch.powerunit.TestRule;

public class ChildrenTest extends ParentTest {

  public static Stream<Object[]> getDatas() {
    return Object[][] { { "A" }, { "B" } });

  public String p1;

  public final TestRule level2 = before(this::prepare2).around(after(this::clean2));

  public final void prepare2() {
    System.out.println(context.getTestContext().getFullTestName() + ":prepare2");

  public final void clean2() {
    System.out.println(context.getTestContext().getFullTestName() + ":clean2");

  public void test1() {
    System.out.println("test1 " + p1);

  public void test2() {
    System.out.println("test2 " + p1);
The first class ParentTest defines a first level of rules, that will provide information on the test execution, one method to be executed before each test, and one method to be executed after each test. Then the second class ChildenTest extends the previous one and defines a second level of rules, with all to before and after method. In addition, each test will be executed twice, once with p1=A , once with p1=B . The output of the execution will be :
test2 A
test1 A
test2 B
test1 B
It is possible to say that the before of the parent class are executed before the once of the children class. The after are executed in the reverse order. Also, as the before/after action use the result of the TestContextRule , it also show that this rule is execute before all others. As parameters were used, the trace indicate that the sequence of rule action are used for each parameter set, and for each test.

In some specific case, it is possible that one rule required, to be builded, that another one is already executed. To do so, the around method also support receiving a Supplier parameter, that will be used, at the very last moment, to build the rule.

Assertion and Assumption usage

Assertion and assumption are provided by the interface TestSuite that may be implemented by the test class. Assertion and assumption use the same DSL language and capabilities, but they are started by a different methods : Several type of assertion/assumption are available : The provides matcher also support the new Optional concept of Java 8.

Annotations processor

PowerUnit provides an integration out of the box with the annotation processor of the java compiler. This is provided by the PowerUnitProcessor. The goal of this annotation processor is double :

Surefire integration

This test system can integrated out of the box with Surefire. This is done by adding this package as a dependencies of the surefire plugin :


About Hamcrest integration

Hamcrest is integrated with this framework, as a maven dependency. Here the TestSuite interface provides the standard hamcrest DSL features, with some additional matcher (for exception and the new Optional class for instance).

Test framework creation

A special feature of PowerUnit exists to help creation of test framework. The idea is here to be able to wrote a normal test case and be able to expose it to normal test classes. This is done by using three annotations : TestDelegator , TestInterface and TestDelegate . The annotation TestDelegate is used by the user of the test framework ; the two other annotations are used by the test test framework developer. Let's assume, for the example that we like to provide a test framework to validate the Fibonacci function. To do so, we first need a class that can be used from the test, define which method must be tested. This can be done with the following class :
import ch.powerunit.TestInterface;

public class FiboTestInterface {
    public interface Fibo {
        int fibo(int x);
    private final Fibo method;

    public FiboTestInterface(Fibo method) {
    public Fibo getMethod() {
        return method;
This class use the annotation TestInterface and is just a simple POJO. In this case we use a functional interface to receive the method to be tested ; The annotation reference an other class, which is the implementation of the test :
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import ch.powerunit.Parameter;
import ch.powerunit.Parameters;
import ch.powerunit.Test;
import ch.powerunit.TestDelegator;
import ch.powerunit.TestSuite;

public class FiboUsingFilteringTester implements TestSuite {

    public static Stream<Object[]> getDatas(FiboTestInterface param) {
        return Arrays
                .stream(new Object[][] { { 0, 0, null }, { 1, 1, null },
                        { 2, 1, null }, { 3, 2, null }, { 4, 3, null },
                        { 10, 55, null },
                        { -1, -1, IllegalArgumentException.class } })
                        <String , Object[], Boolean>> addFieldToEachEntry(FiboUsingFilteringTester::validateTestMethod));

    private static boolean validateTestMethod(String name, Object parameters[]) {
        if (parameters[2] == null) {
            return "testFib".equals(name);
        return "testFibException".equals(name);

    public int x;

    public int y;

    public Class<?> expectedException;

    public FiboTestInterface.Fibo method;

    @Parameter(value = 4, filter = true)
    public BiFunction<String, Object[], Boolean> filter;

    @Test(name = "validate the fib suite : %1$s->%2$s")
    public void testFib() {

    @Test(name = "Validate exception is %3$s")
    public void testFibException() {
        assertWhen((p) -> {

This is a normal test class, but this class is annotated with TestDelegator , is required to be a parameterized test and the method annotated with Parameters has one parameter which is the class defined previously.
The user of the framework will only be required to know the class annotated with TestInterface . To use the framework, it is possible to do :
import ch.powerunit.Categories;
import ch.powerunit.TestDelegate;
import ch.powerunit.TestSuite;

@Categories({ "example", "demo" })
public class FiboTest implements TestSuite {
    public final FiboTestInterface delegate = new FiboTestInterface(
            new ch.powerunit.demo.Fibo()::fibo);

Field annotated with @TestDelegate will be used to indicate a test delegation ; The value of the field (or if the field is a Supplier the result of the execution of the Supplier, which is done for every test execution in case of parameterized test) is use to find the test class delegation and is passed to the Parameters annotated method. When the FiboTest class is executed as a test, the output will look like :

Even if the test class only have one field, the result contains the execution of the delegated test class, as if it was the user test class.
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